Angular Console 7.4 Release

Daniel Muller
Nx Devtools
Published in
3 min readMar 22, 2019


Daniel Muller is a senior Angular engineer at, providing consulting to enterprise teams.

Hi all!

Today I’m pleased to announce that we have released a new version of Angular Console!

You can download it over at

This latest release has three exciting features that I want to highlight (with GIFs of course)

Build Analyzer

This first feature comes courtesy of fellow Narwhalian Jack Hsu. You’ll see this feature pop into existence whenever you perform an ng build or ng serve command with console. And let me just say, for me personally, this is my favorite new feature to be added to Console since our v1 release.


Project Pinning + Recent Actions

This second feature comes from a newer Narwhalian Isaac Mann (hi Isaac!). Isaac has done a wonderful job of making the Projects screen of Console a lot more useful than it was previously. Isaac has added new functionality which lets you favorite the projects you use most often. Your favorites will always appear at the top of the list for easy access.

Additionally, we have changed our quick actions to be a lot more functional. We now expose every generate schematic that can target a project through a menu button on every project in the list. The quick action buttons that we surface for each project now take into account which actions you have run most recently. So if you use console mostly for one particular task like linting or testing, Console will surface a corresponding quick action button in the projects list.

NVM Support

This third feature doesn’t warrant a GIF because it has no UI, but it is still important. Many of our users on Windows, Mac and Linux use the Node Version Manager to use particular versions of NodeJS in particular workspace. This release of Angular Console now support running commands with NVM . NVM is supported on all platforms except for Windows. While we plan to add Windows NVM support in the near future, for now you can only get NVM support if you also use Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).


One of our prior releases had a bug which broke the auto updater for our Electron app.

To get the new version of console, please visit and download manually. We promise it won’t happen again!

With that last announcement I just want to end this post by saying happy coding everyone! Thanks so much for reading and using Console :)

— The Angular Console team

Daniel Muller is a senior software engineer at Nrwl .

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